Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to help us learn more. The answers you provide help us to make a better program for YOU! Bringing you the best how-to coaching and done-for-you resources is what we love to do!
First Name *
Email *
What are the top 2 questions you need help with right now in your church finances? *
What would it mean for you if you were able to get answers to these questions? *
How hard has it been for you to find a solution / answer to these questions? *
What would your church do with an extra week's offering? An extra month's offering? *
Has your church ever done a Christmas Offering before? *
How interested are you in making this December the biggest giving month your church has ever had? *
Which of the following best describes you? *
Which of the following resources would help you achieve your church financial goals? *
A course that teaches you step-by-step how to make December your biggest offering month
A course that teaches you how to talk with your congregation about money and inspire them to take action
A complete package of already written letters emails and more to get everyone in your church on board with the church's mission
A course that teaches you a system for thanking your donors
A complete check list to emphasize and blow year end giving out of the water
Please specify here if you chose "other" above *
Is there anything else you’d like to share with us that can help us create useful coaching and resources to help your church? *