Create a Leadership Pipeline For Your Church. 
Take the guesswork out of recruiting and training leaders!
Recruit More Leaders. 
Train Every Leader In Your Church. 
Do Work That Matters Most.
Casey Graham
There are people that deal in theory and people that deal in reality. Matt Adair is the master of both. He understands the WHY, but is one of the rare people who can actually translate that into HOW TO steps. And beyond that... Matt cares about your soul which is rare in a world full of consultants looking for a buck.

- Former CEO, The Rocket Co., #1963 on the Inc. 5000 list

Matt Chandler
Matt Adair has been encouraging and coaching church planters for as long as I have known him. 
He is extremely gifted at helping pastors and churches maximize the leadership, shepherding and structural challenges that they face.

- Lead Teaching Pastor, The Village Church; President, The Acts 29 Network
Brian Howard
Matt Adair is a seasoned veteran who is skilled in coaching leaders. If you are interested in taking your leadership forward, I highly recommend him.

- Acts 29 Western U.S. Director; Executive Director, Context Coaching
From: Matt Adair

RE: Pipeline Academy
Dear Pastor,

If you want more of the right kind of leader, help leading your church, or even if you just want recover the time you need to do work that matters most, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!

Here's why...

If you want to take your church to the next level, developing your leaders or NOT can make all the difference in the world!

"We designed our leadership pipeline in 1 month!"

"Pipeline Academy gives you the rationale, the process, and the steps to develop a Leadership Pipeline for your church. You will have a plan and a structure to raise up prayed for, cared for, equipped, and encouraged leaders at every level of leadership."

Dr. Jeff Robinson

Lincolnway Christian Church

Here's how and why we can make you this promise...

My name is Matt Adair and I help churches build leadership pipelines.

I've worked with more than 50 churches design their own leadership pipeline in the past year.

This course is going to give you everything you need to design the simple and sustainable leadership development system your church needs!

This is a proven strategy that works in churches of all sizes.

Every day you wait is another day that the leaders in your church are not getting what they need to do their best work!

According to leadership development expert Mac Lake, less than 5% of churches intentionally develop their leaders. Why? In part because they don't have a simple and sustainable way to develop every leader in the church.

In Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get...
  •   You'll discover exactly how to recruit more leaders without resorting to guilt
  •   You'll understand exactly why the BEST training for your leaders happens WHILE they're doing the work
  •   You'll skip past all the mistakes and obstacles that stop MOST church leaders and go right to the end of the process
  •   You'll know exactly how to recruit, train and evaluate leaders - even if you don't have a great team - and who to get help from if you have questions
  •   You'll have MORE of the right kind of leaders in your church when you design the leadership pipeline your church needs
  •   When you start running your pipeline, think about how good you'll feel when you become one of the elite churches who intentionally develop their leaders!
  •   When you surround yourself with a team of leaders, think about all the extra time you'll have left to spend with your family
  •   Think about how much your leaders will appreciate the investment that you're making in them
So Here's The Bottom Line With Pipeline Academy
You get lifetime access to four online training modules that will walk you step-by-step through the entire process from start to finish. You get all the insiders-only instruction on how to design, install and run a leadership pipeline. You get the exact blueprint you need to succeed!

Not only that, but we included all of our presentation slides, transcripts, and lots of other helpful resources for you to download and reference all in one place inside the course!

But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now...

Bonus #1: Volunteer Recruitment and Development System

I'll show you more than 10 actionable strategies that you can use this fall to recruit, train and evaluate your volunteers. From job descriptions to training events to volunteer appreciation days, I'll show you exactly what you need to do in order to get started. 

Real Value: $49

Bonus #2 : Private Mastermind Group - A private Facebook Group for us to share ideas, progress, and strategies. (I'm in there daily!)

Real Value: $297 

Bonus #3 : Personal Evaluation from Matt

Real Value: $997

As you can see, these bonuses have a total value of $346... but they're yours when you act now!

So go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!

All the best!

Matt Adair

P.S. - Jump in today and design the leadership pipeline your church will use for the next decade! Start today and change the culture of your church this fall!

Pricing Plans To Meet Every Budget and Approval Process
---Select Which Plan Best Suits Your Needs---
Monthly Plan
$97.00 / month for 4 months
  • Includes Bonus #1: Volunteer Recruitment and Development System
  • Includes Bonus #2 : Private Mastermind GroupResponsive
  • Includes FAST ACTION BONUS: Volunteer Recruitment and Development
One Time Payment - Save 30%
One Time Payment of $297
  • Includes Bonus #1: Volunteer Recruitment and Development System
  • Includes Bonus #2 : Private Mastermind GroupResponsive
  • Includes FAST ACTION BONUS: Volunteer Recruitment and Development
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